Mr. Speaker, in a speech in Canada Bill Clinton recently said that we were in a struggle to define the shape and soul of this new century. He said we had to win the argument between ourselves and the terrorists about the nature of truth and the value of life.
Some 100,000 Canadians suffered through blind atheism at the September 11 service on Parliament Hill. In Canada's rush to be tolerant and accepting we are becoming insensitive to the vast majority of Canadian citizens who hold high spiritual values, especially Christianity.
Last month Billy Graham's daughter Anne gave an insightful response to the question how could God let something like September 11 happen. She said she believed that God was deeply saddened by this just as we are but that for years we had been telling God to get out of our schools, get out of our government and get out of our lives, and like a perfect gentleman he backed off. How can we expect God to give us his blessing and protection if we demand he leave us alone?
The Bible says “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”. Liberty, freedom and tolerance are based on the laws and cultural foundations built on Christian bedrock.