It is my duty pursuant to Standing Order 81(14) to inform the House that the motion to be considered tomorrow during consideration of the business of supply is as follows:
That, in the opinion of this House, the upcoming budget should: (a) reallocate financial resources from low and falling priorities into higher need areas such as national security; (b) reverse the unbudgeted spending increases to a maximum growth rate of inflation plus population; (c) increase national security and defence spending by $3 billion; (d) reduce employment insurance premiums by at least 15 cents for next year and continue reducing EI premiums to the break-even rate as soon as possible; (e) commit to enhancing job creation by eliminating the capital tax over a maximum of three years beginning with a minimum 25% cut this year; and (f) sell non-core government assets and use the proceeds to accelerate debt reduction.
I should state that the motion standing in the name of the Leader of the Opposition is not votable. Copies of the motion are available at the table for those who wish to peruse further.
It being 11.07 a.m. the House will now proceed to the consideration of private members' business as listed on today's order paper .