Mr. Speaker, that proposal came to the agriculture committee from Ducks Unlimited. We are in the process of examining it from a party position. We do not have a party position on it at this time. It was deceptive in that Ducks Unlimited made its presentation without any mention whatsoever that Ducks Unlimited, the agriculture minister and Samy Watson had been working on this project for quite some time. It was as if it was something out of the blue.
I made a request in the agriculture committee today. It is time the government came forward and told Canadian farmers and all of us what the five year plan is all about. We found out a little dribble about Ducks Unlimited the other day. It is time the agriculture minister came clean and told us what the big five year plan is. He already has released little details about it involving approximately 1.4 million acres of land being set aside, all of it expected to be in Saskatchewan with a few dribbles outside. What about all those people in Saskatchewan if there is a plan to sow Saskatchewan down to grass and have no production coming off it?
The final point I would make about that since we are debating this particular issue now is that when it comes to a private American corporation like Ducks Unlimited, we do not want to see its name on the land title, the caveat or agreement with a farmer on land set aside. We are not against the scheme of setting land aside but we certainly are against Ducks Unlimited having its name on the land title and on the caveat.
We would agree to the Government of Canada having its name on a land title but we certainly would not allow a big American corporation to have its name on it.