Mr. Speaker, it is high time the Liberal government ceases its current practice of lowering security classifications to enhance parole eligibility for violent criminals. Law enforcement and victims groups have chastised the Liberals for defending CSC's ludicrous policy of frequently moving killers from maximum to medium or minimum security prisons only months into their life sentences.
As prisons like the Kingston pen were set to increase transfers by 29%, the solicitor general's order for a review is cold comfort to anyone. The proverbial horse is out of the barn.
The Liberals tried to deny former CSC Commissioner Ole Ingstrup's creation of the 50:50 quota system that established the practice of rushing violent criminals through the prison system at record pace. Then CSC incredibly allowed murderers like Antonio Lorenz and Michael Hector to receive minimum security placements months into their life sentences for violent murders. With problems and incidents in our prisons up 25% this year and dangerous practices of fast tracking and releasing of cold blooded killers, the solicitor general should remove his head from the sand and instead of simply mouthing the words public protection actually do something about it.