Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I participate in tonight's debate on the motion of the member of parliament for Winnipeg—Transcona, Motion No. 32.
The Sikh community has made many contributions to Canadian society. The success of the Sikhs in participating in the political process is increasing in all levels of government. This success should be applauded as the experience and knowledge within the Sikh community brings another perspective to the Canadian political stage.
The Sikh community, along with Canada's other ethnic and cultural communities, not only contributed to the diversity of the nation but also helped to challenge and change Canadian society through mutual understanding. Canada's experience with diversity distinguishes it from other countries. Our 30 million inhabitants reflect a cultural, ethnic and linguistic makeup found nowhere else on earth. Approximately 200,000 immigrants a year from all parts of the globe continue to choose Canada, drawn by its quality of life and its reputation as an open, peaceful and caring society that welcomes newcomers and values diversity.
The bill of rights in 1960 barred discrimination by federal agencies on the grounds of race, national origin, colour, religion or sex. Changes to Canada's Immigration Act in 1962 specifically stated that “any suitably qualified person from any part of the world could be considered for immigration to Canada, without regard for his race, colour, national origin, or the country from which he comes”.
As a consequence, Canada's immigration policies gradually became less European and the mix of source countries shifted to nations in Southern Europe, Asia and the West Indies. Substantial increases during the 1970s and 1980s in the number of immigrants admitted as refugees under humanitarian and compassionate grounds further diversified the ethnocultural origins of newcomers to Canada.
Canada has learned a great deal from its diversity. Accepting, and then coming to value the differences between our peoples, has changed and continues to change Canada, making our country a better place. However, as Canadians look to the future it is clear that new pressures will make balancing diversity and unity even more challenging.
Through practice we have come to understand that the differences between us do not have to divide us. This encourages citizens who face common challenges to step forward and claim their right to full participation in Canadian society.
As a consequence, Canada's concept of what constitutes diversity is constantly expanding. Diversity is moving beyond language, ethnicity, race and religion to include cross-cutting characteristics such as gender, sexual orientation and range of ability and age. The same approaches that have helped Canadians develop into a bilingual, multicultural society are now helping to bring down other barriers that prevent individuals from reaching their full potential.
Lessons learned through experience with bilingualism and multiculturalism have taught Canada that acceptance and understanding of differences between peoples make collective development possible. However, experience with diversity also shows that inequities must be acknowledged and addressed for a diverse people to move forward together. This is sometimes a slow and sometimes a painful process, but it is essential if all Canadians are to enjoy the same sense of belonging and attachment to their country. It also serves to familiarize Canadians with the history that they share and the obligations that their history confers.
Making equality of opportunity meaningful in a diverse society requires more than constitutional measures and legislation. All levels of government in Canada deliver programs that mobilize communities to promote dialogue and help people overcome barriers to their participation in society.
As with official languages and multiculturalism, Canada has learned that constitutional measures and legislation alone are not enough to assure equal opportunity in a diverse society. To contribute fully and achieve their full potential, all peoples must have a voice in society and a chance to shape the future direction of the country of which they are part.
Canada's future depends on maintaining and strengthening its capacity to bring together peoples with many differences, even grievances, and building an inclusive society where no one's identity or cultural heritage should be compromised.
Canada's approach to diversity is based on the belief that the common good is served when everyone is accepted and respected for who they are and that this ultimately makes for a more resilient, more harmonious and creative society. This faith in the value of diversity recognizes that respect for cultural distinctiveness is intrinsic to an individual's sense of self-worth and identity, and a society that accommodates everyone equally is a society that encourages achievement, participation, attachment to country and a sense of belonging.
Canada has embraced diversity, or cultural pluralism as some people refer to it, in both policy and practice. It is viewed as one of Canada's most important attributes, socially and economically. Canadians value diversity for enriching cultural expression and making daily life more varied and interesting. Businesses and employers recognize that diversity in the workplace promotes innovation, stimulates teamwork and creativity and helps expand markets for goods and services.
As the diversity of the population expands, new links are forged with the world at a time when Canadians recognize the increasing importance of having a credible voice in international affairs and strengthening our advantages in the global economy.
Canada stands as proof that it is possible for women and men of the world's many races, religions and cultures to live together. We admit our problems and we work across our differences to find solutions. We show the world that different people can accept and respect one another and work collaboratively to build one of the most open, resilient, creative and caring societies on earth.