Mr. Speaker, I took part in a press conference with Régine Laurent, the spokesperson for the Table de convergence pour une opposition pacifique au Sommet des Amériques, a member of the executive of the Fédération des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec and of the Table de convergence.
Also there was Philippe Duhamel, non-violent direct action trainer, and organizer and spokesperson for SalAMI, a grassroots anti-globalization organization.
I attended in order to express my solidarity with hundreds of groups from Quebec and various regions of Canada, including the Réseau québécois sur l'intégration continentale, which is calling on the government to make public the texts of the negotiations for the FTAA.
Today, March 20, is the deadline for making these documents public, and I now ask, on behalf of all these groups, that these documents be made—