A member across just said “She is a minister”. In other words, we should believe some members and disbelieve others because they are public officeholders.
I refute that. All hon. members are accountable to the House. We all are. I am a senior cabinet minister and I am accountable. I am here now. My colleague, the secretary of state, was in the House and apologized very clearly to the people of Prince George, British Columbia. That was clearly done.
All of us know that was done. Let this be clear, the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism was serious about her apology. I believe that we on this side of the House have taken her apology as being very serious. I would recommend to you, Mr. Speaker, that you accept that apology with the seriousness and the sincerity in which it was intended. This issue should be closed as a result of this clear and unequivocal apology made earlier this day, over two hours ago in the House of Commons.