Mr. Speaker, multinational courier companies are attempting to impose postal policy reforms rejected by parliament and the Canadian public through the back of door of WTO trade negotiations and litigation.
The recent $230 million NAFTA lawsuit against Canada by UPS, the world's largest courier company, should be a wake up call, yet unfortunately Canada's WTO negotiators have exposed us to similar attacks under the GATS. U.S. based multinational courier companies are using the GATS negotiations to try to force Canada Post out of parcel delivery and other competitive services.
Restricting Canada Post to core letter mail services will doom the public postal system to gradual erosion. It is clear that foreign multinationals are seeking GATS enforceable rights to Canada Post's advantages without wanting to be encumbered by its public service obligations.
By covering courier services under the GATS, negotiators have exposed Canada Post to challenges under the GATS anti-monopoly—