Mr. Speaker, the following recommendation of the Cercle des fermières de Rivière-Bleue is one with which I agree:
Whereas 1997 statistics show that 59% of single women aged 65 and older are living in poverty;
Whereas the sole source of income for single women living in poverty is the old age pension and the guaranteed income supplement;
Whereas women have a life expectancy of 81 compared to 75 for men and whereas there are therefore more senior women than senior men living in poverty;
And whereas the income of these senior women living in poverty barely covers their basic living needs;
The Cercles de fermières du Québec recommend to the Department of Human Resources Development that it amend the eligibility criteria for the guaranteed income supplement so that it better meets the needs of senior women living in poverty.
This is a matter of social justice. It is in the government's court.