Mr. Speaker, shipbuilding and the contribution of this industry to the economy of this nation is of highest importance.
From my part of the country, Niagara, in southern Ontario, we have the Port Weller Dry Docks and the Welland ship canal. Port Weller Dry Docks has operated its shipyard for 55 years and employs 500 people. The direct and indirect impact of the marine industry on the region of Niagara is in excess of $.25 billion.
Today the Minister of Industry received the Shipbuilding and Industrial Marine Report. Through this document, the four member team has outlined practical and workable recommendations to improve the competitiveness of Canada's shipbuilding and industrial marine sector and to capture opportunities for growth. I, along with everyone concerned with this issue, applaud the efforts of those who participated in the industry-labour team.
Shipbuilding is an issue of importance and of relevance not only to the region of Niagara but to all of Canada.