(a) Suncor Energy Inc. project millenium oil sands development project includes a new mine and mining equipment, additional bitumen extraction facilities, a new bitumen upgrading complex and a combined cycle cogeneration plant. This will increase production from 6.1 million m3 oil equivalent in 1999 to 12.6 million m3 of crude oil and fuel products in 2002.
Suncor does not publish project specific emission targets. The company expects to gain energy efficiency improvements throughout the operation of project millenium. Green house gas, GHG, emissions will be managed as an integral part of the overall operations. Suncor contributes reports regularly to the climate change voluntary challenge and registry program. The reported actual emissions per unit of production was 0.728 tonnes CO2 equivalent per m3 of production in 1999, 30% below the 1990 baseline.
Suncor estimates that in 2002, when project millenium is operational average GHG emissions from oil sands will be .606 tonnes CO2 equivalent/m3 of production. Based on this, and the anticipated production of 6.5 m3 per year from project millenium, GHG emissions from the project can be estimated to be 3.9 million tonnes CO2 equivalent per year.
(b) Shell Canada Athabasca Oil Sands project:
The Athabasca oil sands, AOS, project, with a production capacity of 24,646 m3/d, 9.9 million m3 per calendar year, was officially launched in December 1999 with start-up planned for 2002. The AOS project in committed to a 50% reduction in GHG emissions from those estimated when the project was officially launched in 1999.
In its current design the project is expected to emit 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year. This captures the project's own direct emissions and those form cogeneration facilities that will supply electricity and heat. This figure is projected, based on improvements made to the original feasibility study and the company's environmental impact assessment, which had estimated 4.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.
Action to reach 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year includes addition of cogeneration facilities. The target emission level to be attained by 2010 is 1.75 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.
Both Suncor and Shell have adopted ISO 14000, the international environmental management system standard. The companies are also involved in the oil sands task force of the Canadian industry program for energy conservation, CIPEC, in their pursuit of energy management.
Question No. 30—