Capital gains is very personal. There are over 100 pages of capital gains in there and that is very personal. The hon. member had better do his arithmetic a little better.
Coming back to capital gains, the issue of dividends may or may not be related to capital gains. It could be but I doubt that very much, particularly when it comes to the area of innovations and people who want to establish a brand new company, such as the angels, for example, who work with small businesses and put a lot of venture capital on the table. Generally these companies do not pay dividends at all. They are risking the total amount of the capital they put on the table.
In order to encourage that kind of innovation, we want to make sure that money is there and these people can get their rewards from their investment. That is really what I am talking about. We do want to encourage that.
In Canada there have been some tremendous innovative ideas, but we have discouraged much of the risk capital and many of the venture capitalists from investing here simply because of the high burden of capital gains.