Mr. Speaker, there is a shocking story of a family of six being deported by the Department of Citizenship and Immigration after going through all the proper procedures to immigrate to Canada.
It seems there is a glitch to their coming here, and that is that Mr. Slarzyk mistakenly underpaid the $50 head tax. This honest mistake was further complicated by the fact that the department of immigration cashed his original cheque and then lost any record of the family's application. To add insult to injury, the Slarzyks were not even notified of their imminent deportation.
It seems there are no extenuating circumstances for this family's deportation or refusal of entry into Canada. They have no record of illegal dealings. They have not contravened any Canadian law. Mr. Slarzyk even started a small business.
Correct me if I am wrong, but is this not the kind of hard-working people we want in Canada? Why will the government not let the gentleman pay his $50 and keep his family in Canada?