Mr. Speaker, I find it interesting that in consideration of the new youth criminal justice act opposition members are getting into tax policy. It shows the depth of their opposition to the bill by grasping at straws.
I also find it interesting that members opposite and their party keep insisting that crime, as well as youth crime, is going up when in fact statistics show the contrary.
When the member says that nothing is new and nothing has changed, why does he ignore the emphasis of the act on accountability, proportionality, meaningful consequences, rehabilitation and reintegration? Why does he ignore this targeting of custodial sentences for repeat serious violent offenders? Why does he ignore community supervision to help integrate a young person after release from custody? Why does he ignore adult sentences for youths 14 years of age and over for very serious crimes and the presumptive offences? Why does he ignore the publication of names for serious violent offences when there is an adult sentence? Could the member explain this to me?