Mr. Speaker, today I would like to draw the attention of the House to the Ville de Laval business community.
Last Thursday night, more than 1,000 Laval businessmen and women took part in the twentieth Dunamis et Meritas Gala, organized by the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry, headed by François Plourde.
The twenty Dunamis awards were competed for by 192 companies, which is a clear reflection of the entrepreneurship that exists in that community.
Two individuals were also honoured for their contribution; Ludwig Melik received the “Young Meritas,” prize and Clément Joly the “Tribute Meritas”.
I was proud to have the opportunity, on that evening, to congratulate all the winners for their magnificent contribution, on behalf of the Prime Minister of Canada and the Secretary of State responsible for Economic Development.
I congratulate all those who contributed to the great success of this evening.