Mr. Speaker, I have a huge respect for the member who just asked the question, but I will correct him anyway.
I think the member for Mississauga West was not absolutely sure if all the bills are votable in the Ontario legislature. Since I have never been a member there I am not sure either. Therefore, I do not think we can use that as an example of something that works because we are not absolutely sure if it does turn out that way.
The whipped votes are a serious concern of mine. It is not because we are whipped on this side of the House on private members' bills at all. We are not.
As a perfect example, I would cite the bill put forward by the member for Davenport, which is very difficult for the government to cope with right now. I am sure when we selected that as a votable bill we were less than popular with our side of the House. However the labelling of genetically modified foods was an issue of significance to the whole country. The committee, in a non-partisan way, made that votable.
Therefore, I am not concerned that it is going to be whipped that way. I am concerned that we will have a volume of material come through that will be a little bewildering. If it is assumed that we will be able to force 301 members to pay close attention to every bill, I cite the fact that we had 109 responses out of 301 on a survey that was very carefully worded, very carefully put together and hand delivered to every office. We will have a really hard time ensuring that. I am not just being pessimistic, I am legitimately concerned.