Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bring awareness to the devastating and negative effects verbal abuse can have on our community, particularly among our youth.
It is a precursor to other forms of abuse and violence. It can severely damage a person's sense of self-worth and perception. It destroys self-esteem and in some cases can be life threatening. It can also affect a child's social development and may result in an impaired ability to perceive, feel, understand and express emotion.
In September of last year the province of Prince Edward Island, as a result of the work of many organizations, declared that Verbal Abuse Prevention Week would become an annual event recognized during the first full week of October. This event has led to a growing awareness about the seriousness of verbal abuse.
I commend the government of P.E.I. and encourage other provinces to hold similar events. As well, I urge the Minister of Health to seriously consider expanding this initiative to become a national program. It would be an important step toward reducing abuse and violence.