Mr. Speaker, I agree with a couple of points that my colleague from the Bloc made when he said that terrorism is unavoidable because it is so hard to defend against and that we are very vulnerable. I would disagree with him on another issue that he mentioned, which is that this is not a battle of good and evil. He also mentioned that we need to get at root causes. Other members have mentioned that too.
Would the member examine the notion that the reason this war against terrorism will be so difficult is that those who are engaged in these activities believe they are right and are willing to die for their cause and will not stop at any length and will not reason in a way that those of us in a free country like Canada would reason? Does he think that is the root dilemma we face and that we must get our thinking in line with that in order to address how we proceed and that we must proceed long term in a number of different ways to make our actions match up with the words we are saying here tonight in order to proceed together as a unified group for our country and for the world?