Mr. Speaker, today, Canadian and American steel producers are faced with a new challenge. Increased dumping of foreign products on our markets is causing considerable harm to the steel industry in both countries.
The U.S. International Trade Commission is currently investigating, under title 201 of the 1974 Trade Act, allegations of dumping of foreign steel on the U.S. market.
Last week, the chair of our parliamentary caucus on steel travelled to Washington as part of this investigation. He was able to enlist the support of the Hon. Phil English, chair of the U.S. caucus on steel, who also pleaded against implementing any countervailing measure on Canada. Mr. English indicated that, on a priority basis, the unfair trade activities of certain countries should be targeted and the integrated character of the North American steel market protected by excluding Canada from the scope of the ongoing investigation.
In order to further extend the integration of this market and to promote a better mutual understanding of our respective and common problems, Mr. English is in Ottawa today. We are pleased about this and we wish him an excellent stay in the federal capital.