Madam Speaker, we are debating Bill S-7. The bill would amend the Broadcasting Act in effect to level the playing field in the allocation of costs as between all interveners at hearings held by the CRTC under the Broadcasting Act.
It has been a number of years since the last amendments were made to the Broadcasting Act in the early 1990s. The reason for proposing this change to the Broadcasting Act is that it has become apparent over the years that the interveners appearing before the CRTC naturally have often been broadcasting companies, broadcasters and business operations in the field of broadcasting. Normally those players in the broadcasting field are reasonably provided with resourcing. They are large or medium size corporations where they have access to corporate counsel, outside consultants and any number of experts in the field who are skilled at making presentations in front of the CRTC.
The problem that develops is that individuals, average Canadians, who may wish to come forward on a public interest basis and make presentations before the CRTC just would not have that kind of resourcing. They may have a home computer to bang out a submission but they do not have the funds to retain one of these experts, a lawyer or a consultant.
Consequently from time to time it is reasonable to assume in that context that their submissions may not have as high a profile and do not come off quite as glamorously as the submissions by the larger corporations. As a result many believe it would be fairer if, in the process of these hearings, appropriate costs awards could be made by the CRTC that would assist the individuals who intervene on a public interest basis. They are Canadians and they want to be heard on the issue. Costs awards would allow them to make as good, or almost as good, presentations as the many professional groups that do participate in hearings.
The bill would require the payment of some moneys, but the average Canadian would view that as a pretty fair thing to do. The theme of this amendment to the Broadcasting Act is fairness and balance, not for the big players but for all of the interveners.
It is noteworthy that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage is about to undertake a review of the Broadcasting Act. Some have pointed out that perhaps this is not the time to make this minor fix to the statute. I would differ with that. If there is a need for a change, if there is a piece of legislation that effects the change as this bill appears to do, we should go ahead and do it.
Objecting to amending the Broadcasting Act at this time is a little like saying that there is a flat tire on the truck but let us not fix it because we are going to redesign the truck; let us wait until we redesign the truck and we will fix the tire at the same time. Canadians realize that these hearings are going on all the time. I know that there are Canadians out there who do not have access to the kind of resourcing that makes for a better hearing.
I would be in favour of getting on with the bill and making this change to create the fairness and balance we all seek.
I know that the issue of costs has been addressed elsewhere. It is a good thing to do. It is timely. We should do it now.