Mr. Speaker, I would like to pose a question as well to the member opposite. I know that he has taken a long interest in disclosure and access to information. I also know that he has a deep-seated concern for the welfare of children and those who find themselves before the justice system. It is certainly something with which we all have to very much concern ourselves.
The problem that the Progressive Conservative Democratic Representative caucus has with the legislation is the amount of delay that will result as part of our objection to passing the bill. Similar to that, is the introduction of numerous new procedures that will be used to the advantage of the accused by their lawyers to invoke delay and bring about appeals for these new procedures, new procedures that I would suggest do not add anything to our current justice system. What they will be simply used for is tools of delay.
One of the concerns I know the member opposite has is that justice be done and be done swiftly, just as the need for information and disclosure is necessary for accountability. In the justice system the need for access to justice occurring quickly is what should be very much at the primary root or goal of drafting new bills.
Does the hon. member opposite feel that bringing about a bill that is so cumbersome, so convoluted and so ripe with new procedures that it will very much rob the justice system of its ability to respond quickly, is the direction in which we should be headed? Should we not be, if nothing else, streamlining and making a system of justice, particularly as it pertains to youth, more accessible, effective and efficient?