Mr. Speaker, car theft has been referred to as Surrey's fastest growing industry. Last year 6,100 cars were stolen in Surrey, the car theft capital of North America. Car thieves drive stolen cars to their court hearings. This is not a joking matter.
Auto offences in Surrey cost ICBC $13 million last year. Out of 13,000 court cases, half were auto theft related. The RCMP Auto Theft Task Force complains that thieves receive virtually no punishment. In the revolving door, criminals are arrested over and over with 90% being repeat offenders. Courts refuse to treat auto theft as a serious crime. Less than 8% of those arrested go to jail. The truth in sentencing is lacking. Parole should be harder to earn and easier to lose. The people of Surrey have had enough.
When will the government give adequate resources and laws with teeth to our law enforcement agencies, become serious about property crime, get tough on criminals, and make our streets safe?