Insofar as Citizenship and Immigration Canada, CIC, is concerned, the amount of annual funding for the language instruction of new Canadians, LINC, since 1997 is as follows:
(a) The Province of Alberta
Source: CIC Integration, Settlement Grants & Contributions Expenditures Tables.
(b) The City of Calgary
Source: CIC Regional Office--Prairies & Northern Territories
(c) Provinces
Source: CIC Integration, Settlement Grants & Contributions Expenditure Tables and CIC Regional Office--Atlantic for NS.
N.B. Under the terms of the Canada-Quebec Accord funds are transferred directly to the provincial government for settlement services, not specifically for language training. British Columbia and Manitoba have also signed settlement agreements with the Department of Citizenship and Immigration in 1998. CIC transfers a lump sum to the provinces to be used in the delivery of all settlement programs. In general, approximately 80% of funds are allocated to language training.
(d) Cities
Source: CIC Regional Offices--Atlantic, Ontario, Prairies & Northern Territories and Ontario Region Constituency Reports for 99-00, 00-01 & 01-02
All three areas are part of the Greater Toronto Area.
N.B.1: The above cities were selected randomly based on existing data for the purpose of providing information on LINC funding in other cities. Immigrant intake was not specifically considered, thus the above data can be used for information purposes but is not suited for comparisons.
N.B.2: All figures exclude funding for Kosovo refugees.