Mr. Speaker, I will begin by saying that it is an honour for me to take part in this debate on the ratification of the Kyoto protocol.
First, I would like to explain to all members, to Canadians and to Quebeckers who are listening to the debate or who will read the transcript that, in my riding, which has over 100,000 residents, the vast majority of my constituents support the ratification of the Kyoto protocol.
A large number of them took a close look at the whole issue and they feel they have enough facts to justify their support for ratification. I want to mention a few of these groups.
First, there is NDG 2020 which is an umbrella organization comprised of over 10 community groups, the majority of which work on the environmental front. It's members are scientists as well as committed residents. It has a solid understanding of Kyoto and what the ratification would mean for Canadians. Second, Eco-quartier GRAME, which is an environmental group that works on alternative energy sources.
I wish to thank my parliamentary intern Jake Wilson for all the assistance he has provided me over the last several months on gaining a better understanding of greenhouse gases, the Kyoto accord, and the implications of ratification by Canada of this particular accord. I am wholeheartedly in favour of ratification.
I would like to read into the record two short letters from two constituents which are representative of the literally hundreds of letters that I have received since I was first elected in 1997.
Dear Ms. Jennings, I'm writing to commend you in your enthusiasm for the Kyoto protocol, which I understand you support. I urge you to be as vocal as possible when the debate comes up very shortly. I am on the verge of urging my children not to have kids!! Please help me not to have to think this way. Katherine Addleman, PhD.
Dear Marlene Jennings, We urge you to vote for the ratification of the Kyoto Accord in Parliament this year. Sincerely, Judith Beny and Gordon Masten
Those two letters are short examples of hundreds of letters that I have received from my constituents. The overwhelming majority of them have said that Canada must ratify Kyoto as quickly as possible. Since the Prime Minister's announcement that it would be ratified before the end of 2002 I have received letters in support of that decision.
We have heard a lot from the opposition, particularly Canadian Alliance members, on how Canada should not ratify Kyoto and how we need a made in Canada plan. That is quite interesting. I would like to commend the hon. member for Red Deer, who is the Canadian Alliance critic for the environment, for his vigorous attempts to heap criticism on the environment. I would like to commend a number of other critics of Kyoto who have advanced the ludicrous argument that we should not ratify Kyoto, but implement a made in Canada plan instead as if the ratification of Kyoto would preclude and exclude a made in Canada plan.
The government will proudly ratify the Kyoto protocol which binds other nations to compliment our efforts. We will create a made in Canada plan to implement those changes. We must do both and we will do both.
Do we need an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? What is wrong with a made in Canada solution? We do need a made in Canada solution. Climate change is a global problem. Carbon dioxide emissions do not obey geographical boundaries. The consequences of climate change are not confined to heavily polluting countries. That is one of the reasons why we need a global accord on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The atmosphere is around the entire planet and even the Canadian Alliance would agree with that statement. We need to build a global framework to reduce carbon dioxide buildup in the atmosphere. That is what Kyoto is all about. It is a global framework to deal with climate change and it requires global targets.
However, what the opposition does not want to tell Canadians but what the Liberals proudly tell Canadians is that Kyoto would allow each country to develop its own method of emissions reduction. Kyoto is not a plan. Kyoto is an objective and there is a big difference with that. It is up to each country to come up with its own national solution.
The beauty of Kyoto is that it does require a made in Canada plan for reducing emissions. Having a made in Canada plan does not exclude ratification of Kyoto. In fact, ratification of Kyoto would require a made in Canada plan for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions because Kyoto is not a plan, it is an objective. That is very important.
It is no different from two people who decide that they have an objective: they wish to have a family, they wish to have children. That is an objective. How they achieve that objective may take different routes. It may be by natural insemination, it may be artificial insemination, it may be by adoption, or it may be by fostering. The plan is how to achieve the objective. The objective is to have a child.
Kyoto is an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally and the plan will be made in Canada. With over 10 years of discussion and exchanges with the provinces and territories, ordinary Canadians, scientists and industry, we have gone a long way to achieving--