Mr. Speaker, in a way this is now somewhat redundant since I was hoping to have my motion up before the vote. However, I would still like to do it and I request that you hear me out, Mr. Speaker.
It has to do with question period today, in which we asked numerous questions on the Kyoto accord. In every instance, the minister and the Prime Minister gave answers that were very obscure and very indecisive.
I know that there was an extensive point of order before, and I do not have a whole bunch of quotations from M and M and all these other references we might use, but the House passed a motion a long time ago which stated: “That, before the Kyoto protocol is ratified...there should be an implementation plan that Canadians understand, that sets out the benefits, how the targets are to be reached and its costs”.
In questions today, in every instance the answering minister indicated that he had no answers, and in fact that all of the conditions of this motion, which was passed in the House, have not been met.
Therefore, Mr. Speaker, my plea would have been that you not conduct the vote at this time since it has become perfectly clear, due to answers in question period, that these conditions have not been met.
Now my request is somewhat more difficult, that is, I ask you to declare this vote null and void because of the fact that it contradicts directly a motion previously passed by this House and as such is out of order.