Mr. Speaker, the member raises a great point. He also agrees with investment in education. It is not something that can be done haphazardly.
There must be a tremendous amount of time and dedication. There are many good government programs but many of them could be made better. There are new ones that could be instituted. However, if we were to throw out money and say that we have a new program and it would help certain people, and there is no real follow-through or accountability, then the programs would not be successful.
Nobody realizes how many people we have with disabilities. When the percentage of the population of people with disabilities is quoted, people think if people are not on crutches or in a wheelchair they are not disabled. There are many different types of disabilities. It could be age disability, or it could be people out of the work force so long that they are not tuned in any more. We are not catering to a lot of these people. It cannot be done in the ordinary stream. Special provisions must be made for that and I agree with the member. It is certainly one of the ways where we can target more money and help more people.