Mr. Speaker, maybe if we were to take ourselves more seriously in the House and listen to each other instead of sometimes just listening to ourselves, we would pick up some ideas. We would understand each other as well as other parts of the country and the problems all of us face.
All of us are here because people thought we could do a good job for them. There are things that can be done collectively to help people, but quite often we get caught up in our own little world. So often we forget there are a lot of people who need help and the best people in the country to help those in need are us.
Maybe after Christmas members will come back with new year's resolutions and we will try to work for the people and not worry about our party. I saw some of the members opposite during the year become renegades and take stands to make a difference. All of us can. We are never alone. One idea can change the country and change the way people think. Maybe after Christmas we will see a different House.