Mr. Speaker, tonight's intervention will represent my final duty as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, as my two year term has come due.
I would just like to share with you, Mr. Speaker, that the Minister of Public Works and Government Services has become affectionately and respectfully known as the “closer” for the way in which he has subdued the difficult challenges of the department he took over.
I want to first address the specific question the member raised with regard to the CFL.
For the 2002 season, yes, the Government of Canada did sponsor the CFL for $1.2 million in exchange for opportunities to raise public awareness and understanding of the Government of Canada's priorities, programs, services and access channels, as well as to increase the presence of the government through this very popular national sport.
The opportunities received in exchange for this sponsorship, which is what the member asked about when he asked what the value was, were not just “feel good”. It included: Government of Canada theme days; a link to the CFL website; information on programs and services included in the game programs; a Government of Canada kiosk at the Grey Cup; and signage at each 2002 CFL playoff game and also at the Grey Cup game.
As well, part of the $1.2 million sponsorship was used for a dollar for dollar visibility exchange with VIA Rail. In return, the Government of Canada receives visibility and promotional opportunities from VIA Rail, such as displays with information on the Government of Canada at train stations and brochure inserts in VIA's magazine.
The sponsorship plan and the exchange with VIA Rail allow a better value for money and increase the opportunities for promoting our programs and services for all Canadians. This exchange is laid out in a formal letter of agreement, a binding legal contract between VIA Rail and the Government of Canada.
The Government of Canada continues to examine possibilities for more comprehensive changes to the sponsorship program. The member is quite right: there are difficulties but, Mr. Speaker, I want to assure you that the “closer” is on the job.