Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize the accomplishments of our Canadian Olympic medalists.
I am of course referring to Catriona LeMay Doan of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan who captured a gold medal in the 500 metre long track speed skating competition.
Jamie Salé, of Red Deer, and David Pelletier, of Sayabec, won a gold medal in pairs figure skating.
Cindy Klassen of Winnipeg won a bronze medal in the 3,000 metre long track speed skating competition.
Beckie Scott of Vegreville, Alberta won a bronze medal in the women's cross country 5 kilometre pursuit.
Mathieu Turcotte, of Sherbrooke, won a bronze medal in the 1,000 metre short track speed skating competition.
Please join me in congratulating these athletes on their great victories, as well as thanking them for the great honour they have brought Canada.