Mr. Speaker, to answer the second question first, the matter has not been raised in committee because the committee has not met. I understood that my obligation was to raise the matter at the first opportunity in the House, and I did so.
In discussing the letter in particular, the substance of the letter was the issue which was under discussion in committee. There was a question about whether or not committee was acting quickly enough and whether in fact letters were sent when direction was given. Those issues were discussed in committee.
There was some disagreement among committee members, as I am sure the Chair would understand, as to the expediency with which things took place, but that was the substance of the discussion in committee.
My view, and I think I expressed it quite clearly at committee, is that this matter was decided in 1997. The committee found that these regulations were beyond the law in 1997. I pointed out to the committee that in other matters which have gone to the Supreme Court of Canada the justices of the supreme court, especially in aboriginal matters, have suggested that the government must deal straight up with people, that it should not be seen to be dealing in a sharp fashion because the integrity and the honour of the crown was at stake.
I suggested to committee members that fishermen on the west coast understand this notion full well. They understand that these regulations have been questioned by the committee since 1997 and in fact have protested. People have gone to jail over this very matter.
The matter is not one without substance. That was the issue before the committee. The concerns that were expressed were that people, citizens, should have faith that their government is acting in an appropriate and proper fashion.
My view was that the committee was dragging its feet. It found that these regulations were illegal back in 1997 and here we are in 2002, many protests later, with people having gone to jail, with literally hundreds of thousands of dollars having been spent on court cases on the very issue of people are trying to protect their livelihood.
That is the debate in which the clerk has engaged in his response in the Hill Times. His responses would most appropriately be made or could have been made by members on the other side but should not have been made by an impartial participant or observer such as the committee chair.