Mr. Speaker, I would just add very briefly to this issue to reinforce the points that have already been made. It certainly does occur to me that there has been a lapse of judgment or perhaps poor judgment exercised in Mr. Bernier's involvement in the writing of a letter.
As was highlighted, the moment that he or anyone, for that matter House of Commons staff, invokes their position and puts it on a letterhead, I think it crosses into the realm of potentially exhibiting a bias political or otherwise that could be interpreted by the public.
The Hill Times is a very public document. I would suggest that the content of that could very much be interpreted as his taking a position that is either in line or out of line with any political party here.
I urge the Chair in its wisdom and in its capacity to look into this issue. It may in fact be a matter that should best be handled internally. I think the hon. member from British Columbia was certainly acting within his rights and his privileges by bringing this matter before the House, and I thank him for doing so.