Mr. Speaker, my colleagues in the Bloc applauded my colleague in the NDP. That is because they have two completely different agendas.
My colleague in the NDP posed an important question. However I would remind her of when the NDP government was in power in Ontario. She knows full well it is easier said than done. Members in opposition can call on the government to do all kinds of things, but when it comes to governing we must take our responsibilities seriously.
We saw what happened when the NDP was in power in Ontario. The government moved from a positive fiscal situation to a huge deficit in excess of $60 billion a year. The province of Ontario was literally wrecked. I am not surprised that as a result Ontario is seeing the kind of ravaging that is taking place under the Tory government of Mike Harris. In part he claims to be repairing the damage done by the NDP. Members can see the rationale. If we go to the NDP at the extreme left of the political spectrum we could wreck the government. If we go to the extreme right of the political spectrum we could ravage the province.
Another case in point where the NDP governed, supposedly with heart, is the province of British Columbia. The province was one of the richest in Canada. Sadly, as a result of its NDP government British Columbia is one of the have not provinces. I say this in all fairness and not to pick on my colleague. Her question is a legitimate one. It is imperative to recognize we have gone through a difficult time. It is also important to recognize the difficult time is behind us. We must now look ahead.
In the nineties when we came to power we acknowledged we had to make cuts. We started at home. With the exception of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development every department of the Government of Canada has seen cuts. We had to clean house. We had to prepare for the next century. Otherwise we would not need this debate. We would not have money to pay for even the basic and necessary expenses of our citizens.
We had to go through a difficult time so we could have a bit of a surplus. Now we are in a position where we can start investing in the future of Canadians. During the difficult times when we had a deficit none of my colleagues on the opposition side were asking for anything more than for the government to continue to work to establish a fiscal balance. We have done that because Canadians told us they wanted a fiscal balance. They wanted a healthy economic situation and we have done that.
Now we are saying we must work with Canadians to improve on the services we are providing. Mr. Romanow's report is being made public. We asked Canadians to give their input because we are Liberals. Being a Liberal means always having an open mind to ideas and looking ahead to the future. We do not close the doors and say we know it all. We never claimed to know it all. If there are recommendations that will improve the health care system and the services we provide to Canadians we will surely follow through with them.
My colleague knows full well the government is committed to social justice. She knows full well the government has a heart and responds to the needs of Canadians. We have turned a corner. We are in a situation where we can use some of the dividend for which Canadians have worked so hard and invest it in the future of Canadians. That is why we are securing to the provincial governments the transfer payments and tax points we have already committed to them. We will continue to work with the provincial governments and territories to ensure the federation truly works.