Mr. Speaker, on Sunday a true northern British Columbia pioneer passed away. Bobby Ball, raised on a Stikine River ranch that his father homesteaded, epitomized the spirit and endurance of that very special breed, the northerner.
Bobby followed in his father's footsteps as a big game guide outfitter. In the early days of his career, 40 day hunts were still the norm, heading out with pack trains loaded with gear and supplies and hunters from around the globe, returning weeks later with trophy sheep, goat, caribou, moose and grizzly. In later years fly-in base camps became more efficient as times changed.
An accomplished musician in his own right, he always loved a good party and picking and grinning with his countless friends.
Bobby faced his final challenge, a 10 year battle with cancer in the same way he lived his life, tough to the end.
On behalf of all his friends, I am proud to stand here in this place and say, so long partner.