Mr. Speaker, this is the third time in just over one month that I have risen in the House to pay respects to a fallen police officer. In mid-February, Toronto Police Constable Laura Ellis was tragically killed while responding to an emergency call. In mid-March I rose in honour of RCMP Constable Christine Diotte who lost her life in the line of duty.
Today I stand out of respect for RCMP Constable Wael Audi. This 29 year old officer was killed March 29 while responding and patrolling the Sea to Sky Highway 10 kilometres north of Squamish, British Columbia.
Like the fallen officers before him the communities in which Audi worked and volunteered were deeply affected by this tragic loss. An RCMP spokesman said Audi represented everything good and right about the RCMP's presence in the community.
Dennis Strongquill, Benoît L'Écuyer, Laura Ellis, Christine Diotte and Wael Audi represent the selfless sacrifice Canadian police officers from coast to coast make every day to keep the citizens of this country safe.