Mr. Speaker, despite denials from the natural resources minister that a 10 cent a litre Kyoto tax is in the works, Canadians are suspicious. The Liberal government's track record on Kyoto is murky to say the least.
Just in case the Liberals are wavering, I want to remind them of some very important contingencies.
First, nearly half the price of gasoline at the pumps is already taxes and there is no evidence that higher gas taxes curb consumption.
Second, a tax hike of this nature would do serious damage when the Canadian economy is still vulnerable.
Finally, since the United States will not implement Kyoto, any drastic moves on Canada's part will only ensure that our standard of living will continue to fall behind those of our neighbour.
Canadians remember the NEP. Who can blame them for being suspicious when the Liberals start thinking out loud about new ways of taxing energy.