Mr. Speaker, the hon. member's concerns about Atlantic salmon are certainly shared by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.
This concern is not a new one, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been actively working on a number of fronts to support the conservation of wild Atlantic salmon.
The closure of all commercial salmon fisheries in Atlantic Canada and Quebec remains in effect. Some of these fisheries have been closed since the 1997 season. These closures were accompanied by the expenditure by the federal government and the province of Quebec of over $80 million in licence retirement programs.
For the recreational and first nation salmon fisheries, a precautionary approach is used to guide management decisions. In many regions of Atlantic Canada, a river classification system is in place and an adaptive management scheme is used.
Rivers are classified according to the overall health of the salmon stock, taking into account environmental factors. It is therefore wrong to suggest that nothing is being done in order to ensure river protection.
The classifications determine whether any retention of salmon will be permitted and at what level. In addition, on many rivers, conservation limits are set and are monitored in-season to allow managers to take action to conserve stocks if conservation limits are not going to be met.
This process allows a decision to be made on whether there should be a retention fishery, catch and release only, or closure of the river to any fishing.
Research on the state of wild Atlantic Canadian salmon stocks is undertaken in Atlantic Canada by federal and provincial levels of government and in local watershed areas by volunteer groups and the private sector.
Until now there has been limited communication between local groups, and more co-ordination of this work is needed. An overall review of the work being done will be undertaken to determine if it is being done in a manner that avoids duplication.
DFO has committed to co-ordinate its management and scientific resources to respond to the pressing need for additional advice on the salmon resource.
To this end, the department is working with its partners to develop an inventory of work related to salmon and its habitat, to evaluate what is being done, and to provide guidance on priorities for this work.
For 2002, the federal government has increased its commitment to monitor salmon returns to Canadian rivers. There will now be three rivers monitored in Labrador, as compared to just one in the past, to provide much-needed scientific information on stocks affected by the Greenland fishery.
As a party to the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization, or NASCO, Canada has also played a leadership role in the wild salmon conservation.
In recent years, DFO officials have been successful in limiting the mixed stock salmon fishery conducted by Greenland, through negotiations directly with Greenland, as well as through the NASCO forum. Also within NASCO, Canada has been instrumental in the establishment of an international co-operative research board to direct and co-ordinate NASCO parties research programs on salmon survival in the marine environment. This aspect of salmon survival has emerged as one of the major concerns of all parties with an interest in wild salmon.
For salmon, habitat is, of course, of paramount importance to the species' survival. The policy implemented by DFO for management of fish habitat has the objective of increasing the natural productive capacity, through the goals of habitat conservation, restoration and development.
A complete inventory of salmon habitat is underway. Canada has proven to be a leader at NASCO on its approach, including our policy of achieving “no net loss” of habitat.
Stakeholders and governments need to work together for the conservation of this valued resource to ensure that wild Atlantic salmon continue to return to our rivers for the enjoyment of all Canadians.
As a result of such partnerships, progress is being made in protecting and rebuilding the Atlantic salmon resources.
Thus, one cannot say that the department does nothing for—