Mr. Speaker, the whip does not usually get involved in private members' business, but for the sake of this particular motion there appears to be a general will in the House to adopt this measure. I think that is true from many of the speeches I have heard tonight.
I wish to point out to the member who just spoke that I corrected his terminology out of deep respect for a long time friend, Dick Theriault, who died many years ago as a result of his actions in fighting a fire. He taught me long ago that firemen set fires, firefighters put them out and would I please call him a firefighter.
I simply want to point out that if this debate terminates before 6.30 p.m., we can actually approve the motion that was presented to the House and move on with this. If in fact the amendment delays this beyond the next six minutes, we will not be able to deal with the motion tonight. The motion will be dropped to the bottom of the order paper until a later time and it will probably not come back until the fall. I would very much like to see us proceed with the motion. I would appeal to the hon. member for Medicine Hat to withdraw his amendment so that the House can adopt the motion.