As of March 18, 2002 CIHR had confirmed two research projects that had the stated goal of involving human embryonic stem cells. Additionally, one other project that aims to use human embryonic stem cells has been deemed fundable, but as per CIHR’s new guidelines, no money will flow to this project until reviewed by an oversight committee.
CIHR has committed that no new funding will flow to human embryonic stem cell research until April 1, 2003.
These grants aim to achieve such goals as the development of novel therapies for such diseases as sickle cell anemia and improving the chances of successful transplantations for Type I diabetics.
The location of the principal investigators and the grant amounts are:
Hospital for Sick Children $80,432
Sunnybrook and Women’s Health College $38,500
University of Western Ontario $248,998 pending
Funding for these projects does not involve the corporate or private sector.