Mr. Speaker, I move:
That the Standing Orders be amended as follows:
(a) by deleting the words “and Government Operations” from Standing Order 104(2)(p);
(b) by adding the following after Standing Order 104(2)(p):
“(q) Government Operations and Estimates (sixteen members)”
(c) by deleting Standing Order 108(1)(c);
(d) by adding the following after Standing Order 108(3)(e):
(f) Government Operations and Estimates shall include, among other matters:
(i) the review of and report on the effectiveness, management and operation, together with operational and expenditure plans of the central departments and agencies;
(ii) the review of and report on the effectiveness, management and operation, together with operational and expenditure plans relating to the use of new and emerging information and communications technologies by the Government;
(iii) the review of and report on the effectiveness, management and operation of specific operational and expenditure items across all departments and agencies;
(iv) the review of and report on the Estimates of programs delivered by more than one department or agency;
(v) with regard to items under consideration as a result of Standing Orders 108(3)(f)(i)(ii)(iii), in coordination with any affected standing committee and in conformity with Standing Order 79, the committee shall be empowered to amend votes that have been referred to other standing committees;
(vi) the review of and report on reports of the Privacy Commissioner, the Access to Information Commissioner, the Public Service Commission and the Ethics Counsellor with respect to his or her responsibilities under the Lobbyists Registration Act, which shall be severally deemed permanently referred to the Committee immediately after they are laid upon the Table;
(vii) the review of and report on the process for considering the estimates and supply, including the format and content of all estimates documents;
(viii) the review of and report on the effectiveness, management and operation, together with operational and expenditure plans arising from supplementary estimates;
(ix) the review of and report on the effectiveness, management and operation, together with operational and expenditure plans of Crown Corporations and agencies that have not been specifically referred to another standing committee;
(x) in cooperation with other committees, the review of and report on the effectiveness, management and operation, together with operational and expenditure plans of statutory programs, tax expenditures, loan guarantees, contingency funds and private foundations that derive the majority of their funding from the Government of Canada.
That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs shall prepare and report to the House within five sitting days of the adoption of this Order lists of Members to compose the new Standing Committees created by this Order; and
That the Clerk be authorized to amend any order of reference or proposed order of reference in accordance with the intent of this Order.