Mr. Chairman, I have said on many occasions that hard choices will have to be made. The hon. member is reading historic data, much of which could be very irrelevant as we go through a review process. We have to go through a review process because it has been eight years since the defence policy was put in place through the white paper of 1994. There are a lot of changes that have occurred in that period of time. There are a lot of changes that continue to occur.
There is a resource challenge. I have said on many occasions that we need additional resources, that we need to put our books in balance with our programs and that we need to have our resources equal the program. We are going through the course of doing that now. The army is going through a transformation on an interim basis while we also go through this update of our policy. These are all matters that are attended to now.
He can read a lot of historic data but a lot of it could prove to be irrelevant in the future.