House in committee of the whole on all votes under National Defence in the main estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003.
I would like to open this committee of the whole session by making a short statement. We are about to begin the first debate on the estimates in committee of the whole as provided under Standing Order 81(4)(a). The standing order provides for each of two sets of estimates selected by the Leader of the Opposition to be considered in committee of the whole for up to five hours.
Tonight's debate will be on all of the votes under National Defence, less the amounts voted in interim supply.
No member shall speak for more than 20 minutes. There is no formal period for questions and comments. Members may use his or her time to speak or to ask questions and the responses will be counted in the time allotted to that member.
Members may speak more than once. Finally, members need not be in their own seat to be recognized.
As your Chair, I will be guided by the rules of committee of the whole. However I am prepared to exercise discretion and flexibility in the application of these rules. The first round will be the usual round for all parties: the Canadian Alliance, the government, the Bloc Quebecois, the New Democratic Party and the Progressive Conservative Party. After that, we will follow the usual proportional rotation.
I also wish to remind members that members wishing to split their time will require unanimous consent. At the conclusion of tonight's debate we will rise, the estimates will be deemed reported to the House, and the House will adjourn until tomorrow.
To begin this session of committee of the whole I will recognize and give the floor to the hon. member for Lakeland.