Mr. Chairman, if we look back to what actually happened in 1997, after an exhaustive two year study by the National Forum on Health which cost $12 million, we see that the study was used as a lever going into an election to give the impression and allow the electorate to hope, after the money was pulled out of health care, that the government was actually doing something for health care.
Why would we expect the Romanow commission to be treated any differently than the other study which sat on a shelf collecting dust. The Romanow commission will be treated exactly the same.
Human nature is funny. When I go stream fishing and I catch some fish in a certain pool, when I go back I am often drawn to the same pool where I had good luck fishing. I think the government has the same human nature trait when it comes to health care. It had success in one election going with the National Forum on Health. It had success in another election by throwing this supposedly big pool of money at it. I believe it will use the same kind of political trick with the Romanow commission.
I would like my hon. colleague's comment on that. Does he see the same pattern coming forward again as the government plays politics with the most important issue to the Canadian electorate, health care?