Mr. Speaker, Liberals are in a free fall or is it that they are in a free for all?
More ministerial heads rolling than in a maritime fish cannery.
The minister of finance, axed for ambition. The minister of national defence, banished for billing. The minister of public works, deported to Denmark. The second minister of public works, returned to sender. The minister on the status of women, canned for crosses. The minister of industry, turbot Tobin turfed. The deputy prime minister, Gray given the gate. The second Deputy Prime Minister, given ministerial role after role to cover the last minister's mess.
Soon the minister of all might be a lonely cabinet of one.
It is a true Liberal meltdown before our very eyes. A long lapse in ethics in character, now a collapse in ability to govern.
The Liberal way in complete disarray, from corruption crisis to catastrophic chaos, spelling the beginning of the end for the Liberals.