Mr. Chairman, the member is suggesting that poor Saddam Hussein, who is bursting to reveal all this stuff, is somehow constrained because he does not have the high tech capabilities.
Is the member aware that in 1989, when South Africa was required to give a full accounting to weapons inspectors, it was wide open, transparent and willing to do so without the DOS or whatever other equipment she says Saddam Hussein is lacking.
The Ukraine was the same. With the turnover of the Soviet empire, it was open and willing. It said “Come in. Here are our weapons of destruction. Help us get rid of them”.
Kazakhstan was the same with the stockpiles of weapons it had. It opened up. It invited and pleaded with the world to come in and help it to clean up its weapons of mass destruction.
Saddam Hussein has never said that, DOS or not, and we do not think he ever will. That is why we have to enforce this resolution.