Mr. Speaker, the decision by the federal government to give $15 million to a U.S. neutron research laboratory is a slap in the face to Nobel Prize winner Dr. Bertram Brockhouse.
As the only Nobel laureate who has born, educated and completed his life's work, in Canada, he was able to do this because the research facilities exited at the Chalk River laboratories. He will probably be the last.
To maintain and continue the international reputation that Canada has developed, thanks to the work of individuals such as Dr. Brockhouse in nuclear research, we must properly fund and build research facilities in Canada. Even non-nuclear countries such as Australia operate research reactors because of the enormous application to science and technology.
By relying on other countries for a modern neutron source, Canada will find itself falling behind other countries in this type of research where once we were world leaders.
A Canadian neutron facility is essential if Canada is serious about developing a knowledge based economy. Let us keep Canadian research dollars in Canada.