Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that I rise in the House today to congratulate the government on 10 remarkable years of achievement.
It was 10 years ago today that I, along with so many others, arrived here on Parliament Hill to mark the beginning of a new era in Canadian politics. We were entrusted by Canadians to give them a new and better government, and we have more than fulfilled that challenge.
The Liberal government has lowered taxes and brought in six consecutive surpluses. We have invested in the priority of Canadians, in health care, infrastructure, communities, the environment and in Canada's future through the Canada child tax benefit, scholarships and innovation funding.
We built a safer and more just society domestically and we took a leadership role in the world, especially with the landmines treaty and the new partnership for Africa.
I cannot list all our accomplishments in just one minute, however, I ask my fellow parliamentarians to join me in celebrating this triumphant day for all of us.