Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bring to light the unfortunate decision of Canada's newest political leader. Mr. Layton has been leader of the NDP for just over one week and it appears in great NDP style that he could not wait to make his first glaring error.
It turns out that the new leader of the NDP has hired none other than Rick Smith as his chief of staff. Yes, that is right, Mr. Speaker, the same Rick Smith who, as director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, called the seal hunt an unnecessary slaughter.
Not only does Mr. Layton's tragic lack of vision on this issue shock and amaze Canadians, including some 12,000 Canadians who depend on the hunt for income, but now we have Newfoundland and Labrador NDP leader, Jack Harris, who has said that he was quite disturbed by the hiring. Mr. Harris went on to say that Layton's decision would be very damaging to the party.
Given the total lack of judgment demonstrated in this hiring, it would surprise none of us to see Mr. Layton now come flying up the Ottawa River on a jet ski, but of course he will not be wearing a seal coat.