With regard to reports in December 2001 that the Department of Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) was taking steps to cooperate with Canada Customs and Revenue (CCRA) to identify from tax returns, seniors who were entitled to receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), but did not do so, in 2001 and 2002: ( a ) what steps were taken to ensure that Canadian seniors who were entitled to the GIS received the benefit; ( b ) were seniors contacted by HRDC or CCRA by mail regarding eligibility for the GIS; ( c ) if seniors were contacted, which department made the inquiries; ( d ) how many seniors, if contacted, responded to the inquiry; ( e ) if inquiries were made, how many of the seniors who responded were granted the GIS; ( f ) what steps have been taken to identify the shortcomings in the system that allowed approximately 250,000 seniors between 1993 and 2001 not to receive the GIS even though their tax returns indicated that they were eligible; ( g ) what changes have been made to the administrative process in both HRDC and CCRA to ensure that all seniors entitled to the GIS receive it?
(Return tabled).