Mr. Speaker, each year in Quebec, the last week of April is dedicated to volunteerism.
Can we even imagine our society without the considerable contribution made by the women and men who give generously of their time to accompany patients, to support those who are distressed and lonely, and to encourage and help organize community life in our neighbourhoods?
To all of these people who have understood so well that to give is also to receive, we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Volunteers are the real ambassadors of a better world. They are the true ambassadors of the united world that we all want to build.
Since all practical achievements begin with a dream, let us start dreaming that these fraternal gestures will spread and grow, and put a human face on our view of the world.
We applaud the hundreds of thousands of small gestures which, abundantly and freely given, put a smile of hope on the lips and in the hearts of those people who so need it.
Dear volunteers, on behalf of those you help: thank you.