Mr. Speaker, I was speaking at the time the leader of the fifth party was referring to statements that were made.
This is a very dignified place. This was a very straightforward and productive debate that was held last night. While yes, at times, as a participant in that debate I can attest that emotions did sometimes flare, and there was discussion both behind the curtains and among members opposite and members on this bench, I would remind not only those listening to this conversation or discussion right now but those who are producing Hansard , as well as those who may have been watching on television, that seals were often a significant component of the discussion last night. While there may have been some miscommunication or misinterpretation, I would simply say we should remember that both official languages were being spoken in the House at the point in time. If we were to translate “seal”, maybe that might allow for what the misinterpretation might have been.